Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oscar minus the Grouch

     I don't like germs. Not that anyone really does, but I try to stay away from them a little harder than the average fella. I feel I was somewhat successful, that was until Bryce, the walking germ, learned to crawl. See Bryce can spot a germ a mile away, I've seen him do it, and he will make his way to it. You see, anything that looks like it may have a germ on it, Bryce wants it, and it goes straight in the mouth. I don't condone this germ-loving behavior but have not found a way to curb it. Well if this isn't shock therapy for a germ conscious individual I don't know what is. This germ-friendly behavior only increased when Bryce learned to walk. Germs have no chance to get away now.
     For Christmas Bryce got a Sesame Street toy with a talking Oscar the Grouch. Well Oscar says "I love trash, anything dirty or dusty or dingy". Well this is Bryce's theme song. His favorite germ spot is the trash can now. If he makes it in the kitchen he goes straight for the trashcan. Just a couple of things that I have seen him pull out of the trashcan are a piece of pizza, a band-aid, an empty soda can, tissue paper, chicken, paper, and yogurt.  I don't think I want to know what he has gotten out without me seeing.

1 comment:

  1. Yuck! What kind of toy says that to a kid? What were those makers thinking? Isn't it bad enough he lives in the trash can and is grouchy all the time? Come on people...
