Monday, September 27, 2010

Isabella is just funny

I decided to write down some of the funny things that Isabella tells me. The other day she told me I had to eat my lunch with her at the table because I would make a mess in the living room. How do you argue with that?
She once told me "your tummy is talking it says you have to go pee pee". Ok. Her new word that is never used in our house by Tammy or I is "Duuhh". I am not sure where she hears this but it is funny when she says it, right now at least. I asked her if she was hungry and she said "I need soup and hot chocolate". The funny thing is, is it was 100 degrees outside and she hasn't had either before. I also don't think that would be a good combination. If we are eating ice cream and I give her a bowl and have a bowl myself she says "I need to share with you". She will focus on emptying my bowl then eat hers. I think I am just a sucker. Tammy was eating crackers and Isabella wanted some so she said "can I have some, for daddy". I'm just saying I didn't see that cracker but she did get me another one when I called her on it.

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