Friday, September 3, 2010

First haircut blues

Isabella got her first real haircut today. The first one was really done by her aunt Linda but this is the first we had to pay for. We took her to Cartoon Cuts thinking we could distract her with Dora or whatever else they had playing. Boy were we wrong. After several attempts she finally partially cooperated by standing and letting the hairdresser cut her hair. All she got was a straight cut across the back. Seemed simple enough but I guess simple and kids doesn't always go hand in hand. I was roped into getting my hair cut as well. When I had long hair I would have probably been just a uncooperative as Isabella but today I was fine. As I was sitting in the chair I was instructed by Isabella to "keep your head straight" and "don't move". Then when all was done I got "Daddy your hair is very pretty".

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