Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cautious and Clever

     I am thankful that Isabella is very cautious when playing at the playground. Sometimes a part of me wishes she would be more daring and try the tunnel slides or run across the shaky bridge, but that passes when she does try something that makes me nervous. I just don't like her to be afraid to try something. When we go to the playground she basically walks around telling every little one she sees "Come this way". When one finally follows, and one always does, sometimes two to three at a time, she plays with them until it's time to go. This is when I am thankful she is cautious. If she doesn't feel comfortable trying something like the tunnel slide or some high ladder she won't do it even if all of her followers now leaders do it and want her to.
     Today at the park Isabella and I went alone. When it was getting time to leave she came and sat next to me on one of the benches to get a drink of water. I said why don't we go home and see how Bryce is doing. She said "Ok and then come back to the park". I said we'll see. Well when we got home I went to unbuckle her and she said "you go by yourself and bring Bryce. I'll wait here".  Great.

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