Monday, September 27, 2010

Isabella is just funny

I decided to write down some of the funny things that Isabella tells me. The other day she told me I had to eat my lunch with her at the table because I would make a mess in the living room. How do you argue with that?
She once told me "your tummy is talking it says you have to go pee pee". Ok. Her new word that is never used in our house by Tammy or I is "Duuhh". I am not sure where she hears this but it is funny when she says it, right now at least. I asked her if she was hungry and she said "I need soup and hot chocolate". The funny thing is, is it was 100 degrees outside and she hasn't had either before. I also don't think that would be a good combination. If we are eating ice cream and I give her a bowl and have a bowl myself she says "I need to share with you". She will focus on emptying my bowl then eat hers. I think I am just a sucker. Tammy was eating crackers and Isabella wanted some so she said "can I have some, for daddy". I'm just saying I didn't see that cracker but she did get me another one when I called her on it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oscar minus the Grouch

     I don't like germs. Not that anyone really does, but I try to stay away from them a little harder than the average fella. I feel I was somewhat successful, that was until Bryce, the walking germ, learned to crawl. See Bryce can spot a germ a mile away, I've seen him do it, and he will make his way to it. You see, anything that looks like it may have a germ on it, Bryce wants it, and it goes straight in the mouth. I don't condone this germ-loving behavior but have not found a way to curb it. Well if this isn't shock therapy for a germ conscious individual I don't know what is. This germ-friendly behavior only increased when Bryce learned to walk. Germs have no chance to get away now.
     For Christmas Bryce got a Sesame Street toy with a talking Oscar the Grouch. Well Oscar says "I love trash, anything dirty or dusty or dingy". Well this is Bryce's theme song. His favorite germ spot is the trash can now. If he makes it in the kitchen he goes straight for the trashcan. Just a couple of things that I have seen him pull out of the trashcan are a piece of pizza, a band-aid, an empty soda can, tissue paper, chicken, paper, and yogurt.  I don't think I want to know what he has gotten out without me seeing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Comfort is not a priority

Isabella woke up in the middle of the night upset and called for Mommy. Instinctively I went in to check on her, my first mistake. She said she was stuffy, so I put some Baby Vapo Rub on her to help her breathe. I told her goodnight and she said "stay in here". I asked her "where will I sleep", my second mistake. She said right there and pointed to the floor. I said you want daddy to sleep on the floor, that won't be comfortable. She said "you'll be ok". I'm sure you can guess what I did. I am not sure which finger it is, but she has me wrapped around one of them.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Things I love at Isabellas bedtime

  1.  I love that no matter what time it is Isabella will say "it's not bedtime yet, just two more minutes".
  2. I love how considerate she is when it is time to brush her teeth (Bryce can go first)
  3. I love to listen to Isabella's bedtime prayers (tonight she got to play a new game on the computer and Heavenly Father got to hear how it went personally. She said "thank thee for my game even though it was too hard to play so I played the other one with the princesses and I got to dress them up". 
  4. I love that she thanks Heavenly Father for the food in every prayer and usually more than once. 
  5. I love that Isabella will look for the biggest book for me to read to her even if we read it three nights in a row.
  6. I love that after reading a book she will say "talk to me a little bit".
  7. I love that she will call me to come back upstairs just so she can tell me to be careful.
  8. I love that after she says be careful and you say "you too" she will say "I'm not going anywhere".
  9.  Most of all I love that I am there to put her to bed.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cautious and Clever

     I am thankful that Isabella is very cautious when playing at the playground. Sometimes a part of me wishes she would be more daring and try the tunnel slides or run across the shaky bridge, but that passes when she does try something that makes me nervous. I just don't like her to be afraid to try something. When we go to the playground she basically walks around telling every little one she sees "Come this way". When one finally follows, and one always does, sometimes two to three at a time, she plays with them until it's time to go. This is when I am thankful she is cautious. If she doesn't feel comfortable trying something like the tunnel slide or some high ladder she won't do it even if all of her followers now leaders do it and want her to.
     Today at the park Isabella and I went alone. When it was getting time to leave she came and sat next to me on one of the benches to get a drink of water. I said why don't we go home and see how Bryce is doing. She said "Ok and then come back to the park". I said we'll see. Well when we got home I went to unbuckle her and she said "you go by yourself and bring Bryce. I'll wait here".  Great.

Friday, September 3, 2010

First haircut blues

Isabella got her first real haircut today. The first one was really done by her aunt Linda but this is the first we had to pay for. We took her to Cartoon Cuts thinking we could distract her with Dora or whatever else they had playing. Boy were we wrong. After several attempts she finally partially cooperated by standing and letting the hairdresser cut her hair. All she got was a straight cut across the back. Seemed simple enough but I guess simple and kids doesn't always go hand in hand. I was roped into getting my hair cut as well. When I had long hair I would have probably been just a uncooperative as Isabella but today I was fine. As I was sitting in the chair I was instructed by Isabella to "keep your head straight" and "don't move". Then when all was done I got "Daddy your hair is very pretty".

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Too Smart for her own good

So Isabella and Bryce were sharing a bowl of dry cereal. Isabella would hold the bowl and put a few pieces of cereal on the couch for Bryce to get. Isabella told me "I need my own bowl of cereal". I told her as soon as that bowl was empty I would give her own bowl. So she emptied the bowl onto the couch and said "now can I have my own bowl".

I guess not

Last week I found Isabella's flash cards that have letters, shapes, and colors. I asked her if she would like to do the flash cards. She put her hand on my shoulder and said "No, not today sweetie".

Isabella had enough

Sometimes you can tell when your kids have had enough and sometimes they just tell you. Tammy had just made a nice big bowl of popcorn and sat down next to me on the couch. Isabella, wanted my seat so she could be close to the bowl. "Daddy move please". Well I don't move that easily. So I asked for a kiss, I got a kiss. I asked for a hug, I got a hug. I asked for five, I got a high five. I asked for her to pound it (fist bump), I got a fist bump. "That's all you need". She had had enough.