Tuesday, December 28, 2010

No We Can Play With That Later

For Christmas Isabella got a game called Elefun from her aunt Margie and cousin Katlyn. It is a little plastic elephant with a 3' long plastic trunk. There is a fan in the elephant that blows little paper "butterflies" up it's trunk. It was given with clear direction to not let Bryce play with it. He will eat the butterflies. Isabella wanted to play with it so I took it out of the box to show her. I told her when I turn it on it may be a little loud but is just the fan blowing the butterflies out. Wrong thing to tell her as she is not a fan of things that make noise. Good news for Isabella, I didn't have any C batteries Isabella said thats ok. Bad news for Isabella, Tammy was at the store so I told Isabella she would buy some and then we could play with it. She said "we don't need to play with it right now we can play with it later with Katlyn". Tammy got home and Isabella told Tammy we don't need to play with the elephant right we can play with it later. I told her we could just put the batteries in it. She then sat on the box and said "it just needs to stay in the box". Needless to say once the batteries were in, it wasn't very loud and she loves catching the butterflies.  On a side note Bryce has not eaten a butterfly yet, I don't think. He does love to pick them up and put them back in the elephant though. Maybe he is just trying to distract me.

1 comment:

  1. What a mess, thanks a lot aunt margie!!!
