Friday, December 17, 2010

Proud Moment Spoiled

       My little boy Bryce, he sure can get into some trouble. It seems he is always reaching on top of counters or shelves to grab whatever he shouldn't be playing with. He tastes everything before he plays with it, sometimes this includes people. He steals his sisters drinks if she leaves them unattended. He has learned that if he shakes his sippy cup while it's upside down he can create a puddle on the floor. I'm not a big fan of red Kool-Aid right now. He has learned a piano is fun to play but even more fun to stand on. That bookshelves, if not attached to the wall, will fall on you if you try to climb them. That at bath time there is a small window of opportunity between diaper removal and entering the bathtub if you want to pee on the floor. That yellow highlighters don't taste good but if you keep trying maybe they will. How to climb out of his highchair while strapped in. How to take the back of the remote off to expose the batteries. How to empty a tissue box in under 10 seconds. When to raid the bag of peppermint patties. Most importantly how to smile and giggle to make none of that matter.
     Well all the things he has learned I was very proud when I saw Bryce pick his diaper off the floor, open the trash can lid and throw it away. It almost brought a tear to my eye. Then he pulled a soda can out of the trash and my moment was spoiled.

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