Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Story Time

Isabella likes stories. Not just the ones in books, she also enjoys when I make them up. Luckily she is only 3 and they don't have to be very elaborate. She isn't very particular on the topic, they can range from a story about the beach, going to Disney, walking in the rain, really just about anything as long as they contain two things. Every story must start with "Once upon a time" and every story, trust me on this one, every story has to be about Isabella. I tried to switch this up once. I started it out correctly "Once upon a time" but she didn't agree with the direction it went. I continued "there was a little boy", "no" she says, ok "there was little girl", "ME" she chimes in, "no, a little girl name Stephanie she lived in a little house", "I don't like this story" she concluded "I need another one". I lost my creative license apparently.

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