Thursday, November 25, 2010

Beware Bryce is Here

Just a couple of things to warn you in case Bryce is at your house.
1. Bryce likes Christmas tree ornaments. I mean yeah I'm sure he thinks they are pretty and all, but he likes them as a snack. You will notice at our house our tree is half way decorated, just above Bryce's reach. I'm sad to say we lost a couple of ornaments while we were decorating.
2. If its foam it is considered edible by Bryce. I think there is a theme here. Some jump ropes have nice foam handles and some jump ropes HAD nice foam handles. They never had a chance.
3. Bryce likes to share drinks. What I mean is he will finish his drink faster if he sees that you have one that he may be able to steal from you. Isabella has lost her drink a few times.
4. There is baby-proofing but I have not seen Bryce-proofing. I think it is an urban legend. Bryce only wants things if he has to reach for it or if it is on the floor and shouldn't go in his mouth.
5. Bryce has a ritual while eating his cereal. We let him eat his cereal in the living room. He will empty his bowl of dry cereal onto the floor and then eat it. It doesn't matter how many times you pick it up it will end up back on the floor. Maybe we should use his high-chair.

More to come

Where's the Love?

Poor Isabella has had a fever for the past 4 days. At times it is high and other times she is bouncing of the wall because she feels better. It is almost impossible to prevent a child who starts to feel better to take it easy. Last night or this morning, however you look at it, at 3am Isabella called me to her room and she was burning up.  I told her if she would take her medicine I would stay in the room with her. We have to bribe her every time she needs to take medicine and it is still usually a struggle. Well after taking her medicine I started to move her stuffed animals off her bed so I could sleep next to her. Every toy I picked up she said "oh I need him, oh I need him too". I told her I needed to move them off the bed so I could sleep she said "you can lay down there" and pointed at the floor. Where's the love huh?

Monday, November 8, 2010

Dialogue with a 3 year old

I noticed a black mark on the wall and I asked Isabella "What's that?" She stated the obvious "it's a black mark". I said "What is it from?" She said "it's from a marker." I said "How did it get there?" She said "my shadow did it." Apparently you have to ask the right question to get the answer to your question.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Story Time

Isabella likes stories. Not just the ones in books, she also enjoys when I make them up. Luckily she is only 3 and they don't have to be very elaborate. She isn't very particular on the topic, they can range from a story about the beach, going to Disney, walking in the rain, really just about anything as long as they contain two things. Every story must start with "Once upon a time" and every story, trust me on this one, every story has to be about Isabella. I tried to switch this up once. I started it out correctly "Once upon a time" but she didn't agree with the direction it went. I continued "there was a little boy", "no" she says, ok "there was little girl", "ME" she chimes in, "no, a little girl name Stephanie she lived in a little house", "I don't like this story" she concluded "I need another one". I lost my creative license apparently.