Sunday, February 5, 2012

It finally happened.......

It may have taken almost 5 years but it finally happened at 10:15 am February 5th 2012.
5 minutes before 10:15am on February 5th 2012.
I was headed to change  Bryce's diaper. I should known something was up, he seemed a little too happy to get his diaper off. I laid him on the changing table and took off his diaper. Boy was his diaper wet. He won't pee for a week I thought. Boy was I wrong and I was caught off guard when the mighty geyser went off. I think some hit the ceiling. Think straight what do I need to do. I must stop the pee but how. Grab a paper towel. That didn't work now it's spraying everywhere. Is there a bucket anywhere? Eew was that my suit coat that just got hit. How much did this kid drink? Why did I put the diaper down to get the paper towel? Will anyone notice if I leave this puddle on the floor? Why do people want to talk to me while I am in crisis mode? Grab a paper towel or zip it.

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