Sunday, December 25, 2011

Shopping with Isabella

Now I know it was crazy but I decided to take Bryce and Isabella to Target two days before Christmas, ALONE. This was the first time I had taken both of them alone to any store, and I picked the one store that gets me in trouble. I knew I was a major sucker for Isabella, but I wasn't sure what would happen when I was outnumbered. How much would this trip cost me? We went to get their cousin, Katlyn a birthday and a Christmas gift. Upon hearing this, Isabella voiced her concern seing that Target is her store "OK, just to make sure, we are getting me a gift as well right?". I told her we would see, but we are going to get her cousin a gift first. After a painstaking one and a half hours of changing my mind 7 times, calling my sister for advice, and fighting the aisles with the over-sized cart that had the extra cab for kids that I somehow assumed would make shopping easier, I was successful with phase one. Now I had to pay the price. Ok Isabella lets pick out something small for you and Bryce. I am not sure if small triggered Isabella to look for the most expensive small item in the toy store or what but I think she was checking out the prices before she picked anything. I got out with only spending an extra $10. Thank goodness they didn't have the Barbie Dreamhouse she has been asking for.

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