Monday, March 14, 2011

Ten ways to know that Bryce has been there

I feel I have not written much about Bryce. It is not because there isn't much to write about him but completely the opposite. Bryce is either eating some toy or breaking another. He shows no fear at the playground and has gone down the slide just about every way you can, sideways, upside down and he even tried to go down standing up, but only once. He doesn't understand that he shouldn't stand on chairs even when he falls which impressively isn't often. He isn't clumsy but he tends to bump his head into things quite often. He absolutely loves brushing his teeth, taking baths, and bedtime stories. Maybe I have slacked on writing about him because he doesn't say much. Although he doesn't say much, it is easy to tell when he has been around.
Ten ways to know that Bryce has been there
  1. All of the safety covers for your outlets are missing
  2. Your drink is missing or empty - doesn't matter what kind its fair game
  3. Your books are all over the floor, and that one has a bite taken out of it
  4. Your remote is missing the batteries - darn little fingers
  5. Your dolls heads are either chewed or popped off - I just refuse to buy another Belle doll
  6. If you have baby wipes, they are now all over the floor
  7. Your cell phone is missing, oh there it is he threw it down the stairs
  8. Your condiment containers have been taken out of your fridge
  9. Your shoes are missing part of their soles
  10. The socks you laid on the couch because you were going to put them on are now wet - you left them alone didn't you, rookie mistake

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