Sunday, January 3, 2021

Opportunity to serve

 So we had the opportunity to serve today. This is rare because of Covid. Or just because we don't look hard enough. Either way. We had the opportunity to serve the members of our ward/stake by cleaning the building after one of our limited Sacrament meetings. Tammy had a zoom to be on with her family, so it was only going to be the kids and I. Isabella's first request when I told her we were going was "can we leave Hunter behind". I told her he would be able to help and it would be easier if he was with us rather than disrupting Mom's zoom. On the way to the church Victoria asked why we are cleaning the church. I told her so we could serve the members of our Ward. She then added that Jesus likes when we help others. Yes he does. I was amazed that none of the kids complained about going to help so I said so. I guess I missed Victoria's first point because she said "I was complaining when I asked why we were going to clean". Hmm. Hunter by the way was helpful. Tori and him made a great team. 

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