Friday, April 9, 2021

Easter Egg hunt

One of my favorite things to do on Easter is have an Easter Egg hunt. Of course after celebrating the life and sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ and having a delicious honey ham for dinner. Well the older two, Bryce and Isabella, are a little old to hunt for eggs. Unless they are filled will money. So they were elected to help hide the eggs for the two littles, Victoria and Hunter. Normally we go to my sisters house and someone else is in charge of playing the Easter bunny, but due to Covid, Easter Egg Hunt at home it is. 

To get the party started Tammy had bought a bag with about 65 pre-filled eggs. That was quite a lot to hide. By the time Tori and Hunter busted out the door there were still about 6 eggs left in the bag. This was fine with the older two because the excitement of hiding the eggs was over after 40. 

The hunt was on and they were tearing through the trees and grass find egg after egg yelling "Found One". Well Hunter spotted the bag with the remaining un-hidden eggs. He proceeded to grab a few and toss them in the yard. Then grabbed one and yelled "Found one". Maybe hiding them is unnecessary next year. 

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Nintendo Switch Family Activity

 We have been having some fun today. We went to Target and bought Mario Cart to play on the Nintendo Switch. This was a great idea. We played a few races against each other. Victoria enjoys trading players with whoever will let her. Pretty much me. So I had to let the competitive side of me go for a bit.  

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Opportunity to serve

 So we had the opportunity to serve today. This is rare because of Covid. Or just because we don't look hard enough. Either way. We had the opportunity to serve the members of our ward/stake by cleaning the building after one of our limited Sacrament meetings. Tammy had a zoom to be on with her family, so it was only going to be the kids and I. Isabella's first request when I told her we were going was "can we leave Hunter behind". I told her he would be able to help and it would be easier if he was with us rather than disrupting Mom's zoom. On the way to the church Victoria asked why we are cleaning the church. I told her so we could serve the members of our Ward. She then added that Jesus likes when we help others. Yes he does. I was amazed that none of the kids complained about going to help so I said so. I guess I missed Victoria's first point because she said "I was complaining when I asked why we were going to clean". Hmm. Hunter by the way was helpful. Tori and him made a great team. 

Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Years Resolutions

 I decided to make some New Year's resolutions. I don't know how well I will keep them, but one of them is to journal every day. I have had a lot of fun reading the stories about my oldest 2 children and know the younger 2 will be just as fun. 

Last year was a wild year for sure. Hopefully when I read this post years from now it will be a distant memory.  Currently there is a pandemic. There a mask mandates in almost every state and things to do are limited. 

Here is to a new year and new resolutions.