Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bedtime reading

Bedtime has sure changed from when the bigs were little. It used to be easy. A book was chosen. A book was read. Hugs and kisses and good night. Not so simple anymore. Victoria and I used to lay on her bed and watch a church video. Recently we ran out of videos and I thought it might be better to read to her like I did with Bryce and Isabella. Hunter likes to join in. I will select a book and start reading. He will run and get another book and give it to me. I will start to read his book and he will lay down and steal it from me and "read" the book. All the while Victoria is getting another book. With her selection in hand I will start to read hers until she realizes that there are no pictures. Then Hunter finishes his book and grabs another and the cycle repeats. I love the movie Groundhog Day but I don't enjoy living it at bedtime. 

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