Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Cooking Dinner

New tradition just started. I had a great time cooking with Isabella today. We picked out a recipe on youtube and it turned out great. We made a couple mistakes and dropped an egg on the floor but it was a lot of fun. Victoria also was a big help mixing some of the dry ingredients. She gave a resounding approval with"I love this chicken". We will have to continue this weekly.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Bedtime reading

Bedtime has sure changed from when the bigs were little. It used to be easy. A book was chosen. A book was read. Hugs and kisses and good night. Not so simple anymore. Victoria and I used to lay on her bed and watch a church video. Recently we ran out of videos and I thought it might be better to read to her like I did with Bryce and Isabella. Hunter likes to join in. I will select a book and start reading. He will run and get another book and give it to me. I will start to read his book and he will lay down and steal it from me and "read" the book. All the while Victoria is getting another book. With her selection in hand I will start to read hers until she realizes that there are no pictures. Then Hunter finishes his book and grabs another and the cycle repeats. I love the movie Groundhog Day but I don't enjoy living it at bedtime. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Lesson on Consistency

So It's a shame I learn this lesson every year but never seem to get any better. Consistency is key in learning anything and it also helps when trying to remember experiences. If I consistently practiced bass I would be boss right now. If I kept practicing Spanish I could speak fluently. If I ... I know I could list a dozen other things. One I am very sad about is not continuing to write on this blog.  I missed out on writing about several hilarious stories, that I hope I can remember so I can record them in the future.

My kids are funny. I have four of them now and a dog. If you ask my wife, she may say I have four kids but she has five. I will not challenge that right now. Since it has been awhile I feel I need to introduce my family so I can remember who they are when I am old and gray. Wait that was last week. How about when my memory fades. Shoot that was a month ago. I will just introduce them because. Isabella is the oldest. She was my perfect daughter until she turned into a raging Hulk monster that is triggered at the slightest cause. Bryce is the second and he is a crazy maniac but lovable monster. I used to think we would never be invited over to anyone's house for a second time once they got the Bryceover. Jeremiah was next but he lives in heaven. Victoria was next and she is a handful times two. She is an uber Princess and stole all of nicknames I had for Isabella, like Princess, Sweety, and then settled on Sugar Sweety. Last, but not least, is Hunter. He will not be ignored and he runs the house.

More to come.....