Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Camping but not

I was never a big camping fan when I was a kid but I thought that would change when I had kids. I think it is a great opportunity to get closer as a family. I figured if I made a big deal about how fun it could be they would like it and then I would as well. To prepare for this I added camping equipment to our wedding registry. It's actually the only thing I contributed to our registry, and we got it from my family. Yay. However, I think we have used the tent three times but never made it through the night. Now don't get me wrong my kids LOVE to camp we just alter it a little. We camp inside (me and the kids, Tammy gets the bed to herself), with a movie and snacks. In my brilliance or my wife's I'm not sure, when we camp I bring down the kids mattresses and we camp on them. Now this may seem like a great idea but when you put two twin mattresses and have three bodies one of those bodies (me) sleeps in the middle right in the crack. One day we will venture outdoors again but for now my kids love the way we camp. Bryce always tells me its a "great idea".

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