Saturday, June 4, 2011

Back to the Beginning

I am the chosen one. I am the official bed time story reader for Isabella, and trust me no one else will do. You can try and replace me,  but you will fail. Isabella only wants the best and apparently that is me, sorry. Tammy can attest, she has tried to trick Isabella into letting her read, but Isabella is on to her game "you just get me started for bed but Daddy will read me a story". This honor does comes with a price, we tend to read the same story over and over. I have read a book called Pinkalicious every night for the last 3 weeks. Pinkalicious is a story about a girl who turns pink because she eats too many pink cupcakes, I can recite it on demand. I've tried to spice up the story and change the cupcakes to blue or green, but I have no creative license and I am quickly admonished. The other night my reading must not have been up to standard because half way through the story Isabella stopped me and said "wait you need to go back to the beginning and try again". I tried to protest "but we are already half way through". Demanding perfection she said "that's ok we'll get back to this spot" The next night we "lost" the book. Maybe in a few weeks we will find it but I'm not promising anything.