Friday, May 3, 2013

Pollen and the Importance of Bees

Isabella, like many others, is not a bee fan. When she sees one she will run the other direction. As we were trying to leave the other day there was a bee blocking our exit. I thought this would be the prime opportunity to educate Isabella on the importance of bees. I told her bees are important they pollinate the flowers. If we didn't have bees the flowers would die. Isabella "I'm allergic to pollen"

Monday, April 29, 2013

A Childs Motivation

Well let me tell you I am sorely addicted to those games with the claw. You move the claw and try to pick up a prize. I am not very good but I enjoy playing it. Bryce and Isabella enjoy the same addiction. I have gotten better as of late and must have instilled some confidence in Isabella that I will get her a prize. I was playing today and she said get me a girl colored prize. As I was trying she she said "come on Daddy you can do it you just need to step it up".

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Bryce and his clothes.

Bryce is very aware of what his fashion sense is and is not easily swayed. He has an opinion on what he should wear to church down to the socks and tie. He even can tell you if he should be wearing any clothes at all. Case in point-while playing a new board game Bryce proceeded to take off his shirt. Upon my asking why he was taking his shirt off he said "I don't need to wear clothes to play this game" in which he then took his pants off. I had no argument my response was for him to go tell his mother.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Time for art

Aunt Pam needed her basement painted so the kids went to help. So much more fun drawing pictures first. These are, from left to right, portraits of Pam, Tammy, Bryce, me, and Isabella.