Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Batman toy must stay home

    I have a friend at work that just bought a black Ford Mustang with black leather interior, he calls it the Batmobile. I know he sounds like a dork, you would dead on.  The other day I went to McDonalds and got two Happy Meals, one for Bryce and one for Isabella. In the boy Happymeal there was a batman toy and a batmobile toy. I thought I have to bring this to my friend at work he will get a kick out of it. Of course instead of just thinking this I made the mistake of saying it in front of Isabella, one day I'll learn. Now, this toy seemed important and she told me "no you don't need to bring that to work". I told her I wanted to bring it to my friend because it looks like his car. She said "no you just need to leave it here, we can play with it now". I told her that's fine we can play with it now and I will bring it to work tomorrow. She "no it just needs to stay here". Now I'm not proud of my response or the outcome but I said "well Isabella this is Bryce's toy and he said I could have it". She had an excuse look on her face, because Bryce can't talk, she tilted her head and said "OK you can bring it to work but you need to bring it back afterwards". That is the last time I pull the Bryce card, that didn't work at all.