Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I know it was wrong but I couldn't resist.....

So we were having breakfast for dinner tonight. We had eggs, waffles, sausage, and bacon. Isabella and I took the last two pieces of bacon. She had to go to the bathroom. As she was headed to the bathroom she turned around and said "Don't eat my bacon". Well I had already eaten my piece and her piece just sat there starring at me. One little bite wouldn't hurt right. Ok two bites but who would know. I could tell I was in trouble when Isabella came back. She sat down, picked up her piece of bacon and examined it. She then scowled at me and said "You ate my bacon". I guess I was busted.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Phantom Injuries

Whenever Isabella scrapes or bangs her knee she seems to go into milk it mode. The other day as she was running into her room she tripped and hit her knee on the frame of her bed. It looked like it hurt and there was a little scrape so we put neosporan on it and put on a band-aid. She was fine but now she was unable to walk. She needed to be carried to the bathroom to brush her teeth "because her knee hurt". She then had to be carried to the potty. Then to her bed. She kept telling me "carry me my knee hurts". The amazing thing happened when I went to work she was miraculously healed. She didn't once complain to Tammy about her knee. After work when I went up to get her from her nap she once again told me "you need to carry me because my knee hurts". I think she is breaking me in.